Wanna know how Anime Universe started? Well, you've come to the right place.
Anime Universe started out as Ronins & Gundams, a fanfiction site. But
when I learned I couldn't post fanfics, I changed everything so I could give surfers the lowdown on my favorite Anime
I started Ronins & Gundams on January 14, 2002 when my friends at school showed
me their websites that they had created on Tripod. I wanted to build my own webpage, so I did what they told me to do.
Also, this is the biggest product of boredom I've ever done. If you go to the Aishiteru, you'll find "Ronin Wing," my
first GW+RW crossover. That was a product of boredom, too.
When I found out I couldn't post fanfics, I began changing the site so I could
instead inform Anime fanatics about shows I like that they themselves are interested in. There will be more to come,
once I've seen new Anime and read more about my favorites. Sorry, but you won't find Big O or Thundercats
around here; not the best I've seen.
Please tell me if there's anything to any of these Animes I've missed, so I can make Anime Universe
even better than it is right now. You surfers make all the difference to the life of a website and the creator.
Also, tell me if you like Anime Universe in any way.
Keep surfing! Ja ne!
Hi! I'm Neko Sanada, the webmistress and creator of the Anime Universe. I'm
the one responsible for Robotech and Voltron being off the
list. Don't worry, sportsfans, they'll be up soon, like a few others I like. Until then, here's some stuff about
Real Name: Classified; only my friends and brother know
Code Name: Neko Sanada
Occupation: student, author, musician, artist
Hobbies: singing, drawing, writing, biking, band
Personality: Hell fire!
Ethnicy: British, Irish, Scottish, Dutch, German, French, Cherokee (I'm your typical Heinz-57
from America)
That's all you'll ever know! Ja ne!